The World Wide Soccer Show – EP 660

US Soccer FIRES Berhalter - Time To Press the Reset Button on Everything

“Why did American Soccer pundits think that Jurgen Klopp would even consider becoming the United States National Team coach? The man walked away from Liverpool… he wouldn’t be seen dead coaching the US men’s “Soccer” team/Shit Show.Arrogance and Playing their audience for clicks and likes.

“I literally couldn’t finish this joke chart I made to make fun of ALL the “candidates” in time.
Klopp answered the USA with a polite “Hell No!” So much for Timmy Howard and his bright ideas.”

“Don’t let anyone tell you that US Soccer can’t afford to pay the Head Coach real money!”

“So glad to see that US Soccer has finally put to bed the laughable idea that the USA can win a World Cup with an American Head Coach.”


Nice to see that the hardcore fans are finally coming around to the idea that you need a Foreign coach to win. 
Every time US Soccer pulls another MLS American coaches name out of their… hats…only infuriates the diehards more.

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