A fantastic little interview I conducted around 2015.
I had been a fan of Venison for a while and really wanted to talk to him. But he had literally disappeared from the face of the Earth. I wanted to talk to him and had asked all my contacts to get a hold of him for me. It was a struggle as I don’t think Venison wanted to be found. Just a feeling I got. However, a stroke of good fortune. Venison was in Los Angeles and through a mutual friend, I got the interview.
Someone had told me that Venison had not granted an interview to anyone in years so I counted myself as lucky.
I had the feeling Venison was out of the football world and he had firmly set a path into another line of creativity. A few months later I found out he was brought on to coach a local lower division team- The Orange County Blues. I’m sure I had set the wheels in motion for that…perhaps cosmically!
Barry Venison featured for Liverpool 110 times between 1986 ad 1992. It was a real treat for me to interview another player I admired at Liverpool. I hope he gets a chance to come back on and let us know more about himself. Perhaps about his time at Sunderland and Newcastle.

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